Our latest news
Corigin has a climate-friendly use for shells left from the Valley’s almond harvest

2 October 2021
A new plant in Merced is turning some of California’s huge supply of almond shells into an especially rich fertilizer. Corigin Solutions hopes to counter climate change with this use of a nut byproduct that has had little value to date. CEO Mike Woelk hosted tours Tuesday evening at the plant, off Thornton Road near […]
Penny Newman Introducing our Newest Product

11 August 2021
CoripholTM is an aqueous solution comprised of numerous phenols, organic acids and other light weight biomolecules sourced from almond shells. Plant phenols are secondary metabolites that plants produce in response to abiotic and biotic stresses like nutrient imbalance, water deficiency, heat, frost, pests, pathogens and weeds. CoripholTM is diluted with irrigation water for foliar and […]
Elkem to build biocarbon pilot plant in Canada

16 July 2021
Elkem has decided to invest in a new biocarbon pilot plant in Canada. The project aims to secure industrial verification of Elkem’s technology for renewable biocarbon, with a long-term goal of contributing to climate-neutral metal production. The technology also has potential for application in other industry sectors, contributing to reduced CO2 emissions. The total investment […]